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Essential Gear

(above & below) Order Blades and more at ACME Built HG. Pick your style

(above) The ROGUE wraps are the ones I wear when throwing. Not too long and comfortable.
(left) Whoever makes TACKY, get FREE publicity here. Let me know details.

(above) Hard training sessions and long days at the Games, often create a lot of sore joints. This liquid gets into your system fast and lets you train hard the next day. A lot of HG athletes say this product iis great.
(right) Matt Damon is checking out the "WELLS LAMONT" work gloves in a recent movie. I wear a pair of their gloves. They are very well made, with reinforcements sewn in where you need it.
Their gloves will outlast baseball gloves X 3.

(center) SCDHIEK.com makes the belt that I wear. It's soft edges don't dig into your ribs. Great support. Easy on & off. I wear it upside down which makes it easier to pull from left to right for a tight fit. Can order it on Amazon, too.

(above) PRIMO CHALK, the "climbers chalk" is popular in many strength sports. Eric White can get you a 20% Discount on your 1st order. Write "White" in the CODE BOX.