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About HEA

Above, I am trying to give the Open Stone a long ride at the 2008 Masters World Championships, (age 65 238 Bwt). I was fortunate enough to win the 65-69 class. The best part of throwing the Stones that day, was that the event was run by the greatest shot putter ever, Brian Oldfield.  


Lifting weights is one of my great passions.  During the early 70's I competed as a Olympic Style Lifter and Powerlifter.  During the many ups and downs of life, I have found the gym to be a place where stress is forgotten and many friendships have been made.  I hope I die either in the gym or trig.  On 2/13/2016 at age 72 (214 Bwt) I pulled a 610 Partial DL, during a workout.

                                                                         Dan DeWelt - Editor/Owner of HEA 

I created this site to be everything I wish I had access to, when I began throwing HEAVY EVENTS implements over twenty years ago.


During late 2012 I created  I tried to make each edition better looking and more useful than the last. served mainly as a resource for athletes to learn how to throw better with links to implement makers, plus a few articles. HMHE was directed primarily toward Masters aged athletes. 


After a year or so, I realized that I wanted to create a site that honored ALL the members of our HG family, rather than just to the over 40 throwers.


That notion germinated in my creative juices for several months. Then when (my site host) upgraded their editor, it seemed like the best time to create this all inclusive site.


I changed the name of my site and created a BIG store with over 900 items that reflect the feelings and pride of HG Heavy Events Athletes.


I have also included Photo Albums of HG athletes and groups. I added Throwing Tutorials by the TOP PRO's, plus links to Implement Makers, Kilts and Essential Gear.


Gradually I will add articles, more videos, and STORE items.  Your thoughts and ideas about how I could improve my site are very welcome. Go to the CONTACT page to let me know how I could improve any part of this site.


Stay Strong & Live Long






Life is an Amazing Play that we create everyday - DD

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